Helping Salesforce.org speak to a non-profit audience
Salesforce is synonymous with, well, sales: businesses using tech to make profits.
So what happens when there are no profits?
This is just one of the big questions we answer as part of our work with Salesforce.org — the division of Salesforce catering to non-profits. Since 2021, we’ve helped them with their advertising and eBook translation and copywriting across English, French, Dutch, Spanish, and German.
But this is a special sort of audience. We’re talking to charities, schools, NGOs; and conventional commercial messaging just won’t wash.
So we take a different approach. Across hundreds of pages and dozens of ads, we’ve helped Salesforce find the right messaging for an audience more interested in social impact that sales uplift.
Need to make your messaging match your audience? Speak to us.
This case study is about: advertising transcreation, advertising translation, b2b, b2b marketing, content transcreation, content translation, copywriting, dutch, english, french, german, marketing transcreation, spanish, tech marketing, transcreation