Capturing Forward You’s fresh tone of voice in translation
Forward You is a different kind of financial service company. Its innovative tools are delivered in smart ways to a new kind of investor. FWU uses state-of-the-art investment optimisation algorithms to help a younger more diverse audience take control of their financial future, and keep track of it all on their smartphone. A new website was launched to bring the creativity and innovation of this fintech brand to life.
We became FWU’s partner in transcreating the newly launched site across five European languages, ensuring that every version spoke with one voice – knowledgeable, human and jargon-free. Our partnership continued into blog content; devised, written and translated by us for the brand, a suite of articles made complex and sometimes daunting financial information compelling and clear.
If you want your website to speak more than one language, get in touch.
This case study is about: blog content, copywriting, editorial translation, english, finance, finance marketing, fintech, french, german, italian, spanish, website translation