Getting life-saving information to people across the world
HPV is a virus that affects four out of five of us. Thanks to screening and treatment improving in leaps and bounds, we already have the tools to bring that number down. The barrier? Getting the information out there. Enter: franklyfluent. International creative agency Charlescannon came to us ahead of HPV Awareness Day asking us to transcreate their #OneLessWorry campaign.
The aim was to educate people — clearly and simply — on spotting the signs of HPV. We translated posters, video scripts, taglines, and social copy into six languages. We factored in the cultural nuances of each region — not always easy when dealing with markets that treat healthcare comms differently. The end result: culturally-appropriate, life-saving information made accessible to a global audience.
Need help reaching a global audience? Let us help you.
This case study is about: content translation, medical marketing, social media